Instructions on Making a Work of Art that could Honestly be put in a Museum

  1. Open illustrator
  2. Create a new file using the dimensions of the document under the Web tab
  3. Select the dimensions of "Web-Large" or 1920px x 1080px under the Web tab
  4. Create a rectangle that is 688px wide and 355px tall
  5. Make the rectangle color any shade of red (recommended: a bright, vibrant red)
  6. Make the stroke size of the rectangle 1pt and the stroke color any shade of green (recommended: a neon lime green)
  7. Place the rectangle in the direct center of the canvas (use the illustrator guidelines)
  8. Create a circle with a diameter of 355.225px (width is 355.225px and height is 355.225px)
  9. Make the circle color any shade of blue (recommended: a bright, vibrant blue)
  10. Make the stroke size of the circle 1pt and the stroke color any shade of pink (recommended: a muted pink like the pink panther)
  11. Place the circle over the rectangle and in the center (of the canvas and the rectangle)
  12. Make a triangle that is 371.044px wide and 321.334px tall
  13. Make the triangle color any shade of a lighter gray (recommended: a pale light gray)
  14. Make the stroke size of the triangle 1pt and the stroke color any shade of a darker gray (recommended: black, honestly)
  15. Place the triangle to the left of the rectangle so the bottom right point of the traingle touches the bottom left edge of the rectangle
  16. Sit back and admire work for a good 45 seconds
  17. Save the file as "untitled_1"
  18. Export it as a PNG
  19. Email the final results (the PNG image) to with comments or captions about what you found easy/what you think should be explained more clearly/suggestions/concerns/how's your day/etc and with the subject name "Henlo"
  20. Thanks, you're done. I hope you had fun or at least an okay time and that the rest of your evening is nice. Ok. Bye.


Subject One

Subject Two